Dead Rising 2: Case Zero ya disponible en Xbox Live

Por Pablo, publicada el martes 31-8-2010 a las 22:18

Capcom Europa ha publicado hoy una nota de prensa en la que se confirma la inmediata disponibilidad de Case Zero en Xbox Live. Case Zero es el DLC (con un coste de 400 Microsoft Points) que hace de precuela e introducción de Dead Rising 2, en el que se nos presenta a Chuck Greene y se pueden disfrutar de algunas de las nuevas caracterísiticas del juego, que se pondrá a la venta en toda Europa el próximo 24 de septiembre.

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero ya disponible en Xbox Live .

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Más información de Dead Rising 2 Xbox 360-Acción-3º persona-Tiempo actua
Más información de Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Xbox 360-Acción-DLC-Tiempo actua

Nota de prensa:

Chuck Greene’s Journey Begins Today as Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Launches Exclusively on Xbox LIVE

Capcom is happy to announce that Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, the prologue to its upcoming game, Dead Rising 2, is available today exclusively on Xbox LIVE. Players who download Dead Rising 2: CASE ZERO will get their first glimpse into the world of Dead Rising 2 as they are introduced to the new protagonist in the series, Chuck Greene, along with new game play features of Dead Rising 2, ahead of its European release on September 24, 2010.

For 400 Microsoft Points, the prologue will give players a first taste of the zombie-slaughtering fun of combo weapons and ‘psycho’ boss fights. Character attributes collected in Dead Rising 2: CASE ZERO will also carry over into the main game such as Player Level, to a maximum of five, Prestige Points alongside skills, Combo Cards and a number of alternate outfits.

Dead Rising 2 is scheduled for release across Europe for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on September 24th and for PC on September 28th. The game will release on all formats in North America on September 28th and in Japan on September 30th.

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